Enterneering® Training Program

Copyright © 02/2024 ❘ The Enterneers®

The Enterneering® Training Program is an extraordinary opportunity to acquire applied transformational enterprise leadership skills, rethink and adapt enterprise systems, and lead organisations at the forefront of progress and competitiveness.

Applied Enterprise Leadership 5.0

Acquiring applied transformational enterprise leadership skills / Combining further education and practical exercise / Gaining exclusive certification


Designed by experienced C-suite executives for the success of practitioners in smart enterprise leadership


​The Enterneering® Training Program is designed with the needs and challenges of entrepreneurs and executives in mind. It offers an innovative multistage format, comprising digital self-study, interactive practice-related peer group training, and the extension with a coached implementation project. The program requires a suitable educational background and, from the second level, professional experience. The program's major goals are progress and success in professional practice as well as personal and organisational development and transformation.

The Program at a Glance

delegation Enterneering® Fundamentals (E I)
Get to know the core elements. Understand the systemic approach and its significance in the 21st century. Study the elements' content and interrelationships. Learn why these elements are so important and how they are influenced. Gain relevant know-how for effective application in real practice. 
Scope: Online self-study with exam and certificate of participation;
Minimum 4 weeks duration;
Available for reading ca. 220 paperback pages;
Available for listening ca. 400 audible minutes.
Fee: Included in annual app subscription (from 49.99 €, depending on app store, country, currency, and promotions)


delegation Enterneering® Practitioner (E II)
Gaining effective self-empowerment in Enterprise Leadership 5.0. ​Expanding systemic leadership knowledge, developing C-suite skills, and getting training for practical implementation. Interacting with peers and using suitable sparring. Applying Enterneering® in exercises and professional practice. 
Sope: 6-month interactive training course (remote);
Minimum 6x3 hours of regular training sessions;
In-depth practical exercises and participants' use cases;
Examination result Level E I 60% and above required;
Proof of required qualification and competence;
Sufficient personal contribution from professional activity.
Fee: 1,950.00 $ | 1,560.00 £ | 1,750.00 € + VAT


delegation Enterneering® Executive (E III)
Applying acquired knowledge and trained skills from Level I & II as an executive in corporate practice and reflecting on in accompanying sparring sessions. Identifying fields of action and learning from successes and failures. Presenting development progress required for certification in a project presentation.  
Scope: 9-month application in an individual professional context;
Accompanying sparring/coaching tailored to individual needs;
Focussing on personal and organisational implementation;
Certification requires Certificate Level E II;
Proof of suitable professional role;
Final project/process presentation required.
Fee: 4,330.00 $ | 3,310.00 £ | 3,970.00 € + VAT


delegation Enterneering® Coach (E III-C)
Successfully passing Level E II certification and either combining already acquired certified coaching capabilities through the Enterneering® approach or acquiring a suitable coaching certification by a partner institute. Empowering to coach practitioners and executives in effective Enterneering®.  ❯❯❯ Coming soon



Program in Detail...

Certificate of Participation (Exam result)
Enterneering® Fundamentals
(Level E I)

Topics: Introduction Enterprise Leadership 5.0 (Enterneering®); Classification and significance of in the 21st century; Corporate culture and its 8 elements; People management and its 7 elements; Corporate organisation and its 7 elements; Practical (multistage) implementation; extended by relevant field trips, process-related phase model, RADAR and WORKOUT tools, and practice tips
Goals: Further education in systemic enterprise leadership, preparation for a professional career, better classification of enterprise systems and their effective development and transformation, applied imparting applied knowledge, know-how, and experiences enhancing effective growth, change, and innovation. Certificate of participation including examination result (Scores/%)
Participants: Founders, entrepreneurs, managers, executives, students and graduates
Approach: Online app-self-study course in 4 blocks available as text posts and podcasts to listen to; additional online pre-test and final exam
Duration: At least 4 weeks from app subscription to final exam
Effort: Individually depending on personal requirements and time management (available as ca. 220 paperback pages or ca. 400 audible minutes plus pre-test and exam)
Fee: Included in annual app subscription (from 49.99 €, depending on app store, country, currency, and promotions)
Eligibility: All subscribers from 16 years 


Certificate of Interactive Participation and Progress
Enterneering® Practitioner
(Level E II)

Topics: Exercices in applied Enterprise Leadership 5.0 (Enterneering)® with practical use cases and current constellations of participant's professional environment; Structured training sessions for effectively applying Enterneering® elements in practice that build on each other. Exemplary development of the procedure for practical implementation according to the process-related phase model using the RADAR and WORKOUT tools. Interactive group work with peers, supervision, and feedback.
Goals: Further development of practical skills and know-how in systemic enterprise leadership. Transition from knowledge- and case-based exercises to practical application. Support in self-reflection and development of personal skills. Development of transformational capability and gradual implementation in personal professional practice. Certificate of interactive participation and progress documented by the course instructor 
Participants: Founders, entrepreneurs, managers, and executives in relevant fields of work
Approach: Structured and moderated peer group training with case studies, supervision, and feedback linked to participant's use cases
Duration: 6 months
Effort: 6-month with a minimum of 6x3 hours of regular training plus each participant's individual preparation and follow-up work
Fee: 1,950.00 $ | 1,560.00 £ | 1,750.00 € + VAT
Eligibility: Holder Certificate Level E I with a score of 60% or above and with suitable educational background (bachelor and higher or equal qualification) and related field of work or professional experience (exemplary but not limited to entrepreneurs, C-suite executives, Managers in HR/Strategy/Development, or similar functions with relevant influence on the enterprise's system) 


Certificate of Personal Progress and Results
Enterneering® Executive
(Level E III)

Topics: Accompanying implementation training for effectively adopting and deploying Enterneering® in participants' professional practice. Support in designing individual approaches and implementing them effectively. Promoting regular progress assessment and self-reflection. Combining 1:1 or peer group sparring, supervision, and feedback. Presenting development progress required for certification in a project presentation.
Goals: Further education in systemic enterprise leadership, preparation for a professional career, better classification of enterprise systems and their effective development and transformation, applied imparting applied knowledge, know-how, and experiences enhancing effective growth, change, and innovation. Certificate of personal progress and results
Participants: Holder Certificate Level E II in a relevant management role
Approach: Accompanying implementation sparring with a standard combination of peer group sparring and 1:1 sparring (individual approach possible upon request); Preparing a final presentation documenting the main framework, process, key results
Duration: 9 months
Effort: 9-month with standard combination of 4x2 hours of peer group sparring + 4x1.5 hours of 1:1 sparring (individual approach possible upon request)
Fee: 4,330.00 $ | 3,310.00 £ | 3,970.00 € + VAT
Eligibility: Holder Certificate Level E II in a relevant management role. During the course, participants must work in a function by applying the topics in practice and influencing their implementation as executives.  



Subscribe to start with Level E I

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