A signature for coaches and consultants

Copyright © 02/2024 ❘ The Enterneers®

Effective marketing and client acquisition in coaching and consulting

As a coach or consultant, are you completely satisfied with your market approach and your business development? Are you looking for an effective approach to increase both your capacity utilisation and average hourly earnings? Then you are probably at the right place. Many solopreneurs are looking for better leverage on their time and are exploring a scalable business model. Some of these correlations are inherent, while others may be man-made.

It is in the nature of things that solopreneurs often find themselves in an internal competition of priorities. Many also describe this cycle as the 'hamster wheel', which constantly revolves around the search for the next job, followed by its realisation and then the search again and so on. Additionally, solopreneurs have limited availability and ability to concentrate, due to which scaling via individual orders becomes challenging. 

One of the man-made circumstances, for example, is that the market approach for many coaches and consultants often focuses on the individual rather than the solution they offer. Many websites reflect this by prominently featuring the solopreneur, their unusually long and comprehensive CV, and the most numerous and high-calibre certificates possible at the forefront of their market approach. However, very few potential clients can meet their needs from this, as in most cases they are looking for a solution to their problem or upcoming challenges. In addition, such websites struggle to stand out from the enormous mass of comparable sites. Another obstacle that tends to be man-made sometimes is the self-imposed restraint, to actively engage in active marketing. Coaches in particular are often reluctant to market themselves, citing their own professional code of conduct, and instead rely on recommendations, referral exchanges, or publications. This approach clearly no longer seems to work well in the VUCA world, when the rates of change and development cycles are radically accelerating and the pendulum swings between trendy topics are increasing in intensity and speed.

In recent years, many solopreneurs have intentionally created their distinctive identity. There are now consultants who have specialised in assisting other consultants and coaches to develop personalised signature systems for themselves. A signature system does not focus on the coach or consultant as a person, but rather on their offering and the associated solution for specific customer needs. Some coaches may need to overcome their reluctance because the focus is no longer on a general philosophy or their professional qualifications, but on a specific solution-oriented approach. However, from the customer’s perspective, this results in a very relevant difference. Consider this, which coach would you as a client feel more comfortable with if you have a very specific change or transformation goal to achieve, the one with lots of relevant certificates or the one who has a tried and tested approach, system, or process? Who wants to set off through the jungle on the way to the top of the mountain with a tour guide who has no means of navigation and no practical plan?

Most of the signature systems developed for and by solopreneurs are consequently customised for these individuals, have a personal touch, and ideally feature a unique selling point. However, only a few of them provide a sustainable answer to the challenges of leverage and scalability. Because even with these individual systems, the resources of the stakeholder remain limited. Effective scaling can only be achieved through the integration of smart service formats that include a genuine leverage approach and generate sufficiently high demand. Two disadvantages that nevertheless remain are the lack of redundancy and the limited expertise in a wide range of sectors, development stages, or company constellations. Solopreneurs who want to compensate for these disadvantages can look for a suitable network or, ideally, a collaborative signature system with a broad reach and multiple partners.

Enterneering® is a brand new and thematically absolutely contemporary collaborative signature platform with a global reach and a modern smart brand. Enterneering® offers registered experts specialising in C-suite coaching or sparring with both a substantively and structurally defined approach to transformational and evolutionary support for entrepreneurs and leaders with corporate responsibility in the areas of culture, people, and organisation. Nevertheless, it is a mindset- and capability-based approach that does not favour specific individual methods or tools. Based on a very transparent and fair approach for all experts, clients, and users, offering comprehensive, practical, and applicable knowledge, expertise, and tools. A modern app is available for centralised interaction, which can be used by users, clients, and experts alike, allowing every user to see the basis and approach on which the experts are working. This creates transparency as well as trust and facilitates successful collaboration on joint projects. This makes it clear to the user the added value of an expert equipped with the necessary expertise and knowledge to provide effective support in overcoming complexity and navigating safely. The Enterneering® TALKS service format provides all experts with an attractive tool for scaling with high leverage. Thanks to the shared focus, a common code of conduct, and harmonised formats, experts can complement, represent each other or work together on more complex projects. Experts in Enterneering® can and should maintain and develop their personal brand and engage in parallel business activities without having to unilaterally or disproportionately commit to Enterneering®.


We are not a recruitment agency for experts or projects. We offer solutions for successful corporate transformation and serve the transformational empowerment of companies and the individuals working in them. Enterneering® experts are an important part of these solutions and we make it easier for users and experts to access each other without barriers.


Solopreneurs who are active in coaching, sparring, or consulting and are aiming to develop or acquire a suitable signature should be prepared for a significant investment of time and money. Those looking to develop and implement a customised signature system for themselves should anticipate several months of development time followed by a subsequent gradual implementation time. Furthermore, there will most likely be external expenses related to consulting support (signature coach/consultant), system-side developments (website, tools), and marketing (website, content, banners, logos, etc.). Ultimately, a budget of several months for social media campaigns should be planned for the marketing of the signature brand. At a certain point, however, a solo signature will always be at a disadvantage compared to a larger network or platform, namely in terms of reach, visibility, and resonance in social media and the internet.

Solopreneurs opting to participate in the Signature Platform Enterneering® can integrate it into their business within a few weeks, enjoying a very fair flat rate for full cost control. The content and the approach can be implemented individually and flexibly as well as in a multi-stage linked process. Experts who are no longer satisfied with the Signature platform or who want to change their orientation can leave the platform annually.

Have we piqued your interest, and would you like to find out more about the Enterneering® signature? Apply straight below as an expert and receive further information.