Trail: Student, Trainee

Copyright © 02/2024 ❘ The Enterneers®

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Your goal on this trail
Further education in Enterprise Leadership 5.0
​Accessing a unique self-study course, extending knowledge, and getting structured know-how regarding practical application. Following professional comments and posts. First-hand learning with 100% practical relevance. 


Following the Roadmap I

Enterneering® Roadmap (Part I)
Get to know the core elements. Understand the approach and its significance in the 21st century. Study the elements' content and interrelationships. Learn why these elements are so important and how they are influenced. Gain relevant know-how for effective application in real practice.  ❯❯❯



Getting certified


Certification in Enterneering®
Successfully pass the test and receive the Enterneering certificate, which certifies complete processing as well as the knowledge and systemic understanding acquired.  ❯❯❯ Coming soon


Discovering related Topics

Field Trips
Explore this feed with its single topics, excursions, and practice cases. Use the possibility to manoeuvre directly through the practice-oriented content of the app without following a defined structure. Get inspired and browse for interesting cases.  ❯❯❯


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Podcasts & Auditory Learning
Most of our text posts are available as podcasts or audible. Open the audio version directly in the relevant post. You can read and listen to the posts at the same time. Explore all audio files in the Podcasts section and open them directly in the player.  ❯❯❯


Vlogs & Tutorials
​Use tutorials for a better understanding. Benefit from video posts explaining the procedure and tools for practical implementation. Stream recordings of dialogues, impulse events, or webinars. Videos related to posts are linked directly within the relevant post.  ❯❯❯


Interacting with others

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