Trail: Coach, Counsellor

Copyright © 02/2024 ❘ The Enterneers®

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Your goal on this trail
Service extension in Enterprise Leadership 5.0
Utilisation of knowledge, know-how, and tools. Expanding market access and the network with other experts. Leverage of interaction and publication opportunities. Increasing visibility and reach as a coach or counsellor.


Knowing the Basics

Enterneering® Approach
Understand the systemic approach at the beginning. Recognise the characteristics of a management and leadership discipline. Categorise the relationships and roles more effectively. Understand our focal points and descriptions better.



Knowing the Assets

Enterneering® Roadmap (Part I)
Get to know the roadmap's core elements. Understand the structure and its scope better. Understand which topics users deal with on their trail and anticipate potential support needs. Put yourself in a position to serve users as effectively as possible.  ❯❯❯



Elements @ Enterneering®
Find out what the 22 elements are all about. Understand the arrangement and classification better. Recognise the relevant correlations for your client support and know how to serve them in their enterprise development.



Enterneering® Roadmap (Part II)
Following the first part of the roadmap, find out how implementation is supported within our app. Get to know our RADAR or WORKOUT tools and anticipate ways of supporting them. Learn more about the Enterneering® process and understand how to coach it effectively.  ❯❯❯


Creating relevant Content

Individual Contributions
​Create relevant content in the Field Trips, Methods & Tools, or News & Updates sections. Increase your visibility and reach. Profit from multiplication effects (App-Social Media-Chain). Submit your posts, benefit from our editing, and stick to the publication rules. 


Interacting with others

​Make your comments and initiate discourse possible in many posts. Respond to users questions. Give valuable tips, advice, and feedback. Share your experiences. Always comment in a respectful and relevant manner. Stick to our code of conduct. 


Acting as authorised expert

Talking and sharing ideas with users
​Give users the opportunity for personal dialogue. Offer the first 30 minutes free of charge. Talk with users to help them gain an overview and reflect on their current situation and needs. Support them in brainstorming, development, and better navigation.


Supporting users in the implementation
​​Offer your accompanying support through practical implementation. Support users in managing complexity, structuring measures, and moderating change or transformation related to Enterneering®. Benefit from our app's content and tools as well as the expert network.


Becoming authorised expert

Becoming an Expert in 4 Steps
Get to know the core elements. Understand the approach and its significance in the 21st century. Study the elements' content and interrelationships. Learn why these elements are so important and how they are influenced. Gain relevant know-how for effective application in real practice. 




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