Elements in Corporate Culture

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Elements of Enterneering®/Culture/Elements in Corporate Culture

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The most essential elements of corporate culture in Enterneering® are presented below. The explanations, recommendations, and justifications are primarily formulated from the perspective of corporate management. The main aim is to clarify backgrounds and contexts and to provide individuals with overall corporate responsibility with an appropriate overview. This is intended to demonstrate points of reference for their own thinking and actions as well as for effective delegation and control.

Elements in corporate culture


A code of conduct is a set of guidelines supported by the company’s leadership that establishes ethical principles and standards of cooperation for all employees. The code sets forth the company's purpose, values and guidelines for behaviour and outlines expectations from employees and management.


Empowerment involves giving employees more role-dependent authority over work processes, management tasks and aspects of leadership. It emphasises self-reliance and independence and can serve to build greater trust in leadership, encourage employee motivation, lead to greater creativity and improve employee retention.


A company’s value system describes the social, interpersonal and economic values that have special significance, as well as how the company approaches the topics of work, interpersonal cooperation and the well-being of its employees.


Incentives can be objects, items of value or desired events that spur employees to do more of whatever is being encouraged. When used to recognise employees for their performance, it can improve morale, satisfaction and motivation. It can also be a motivating factor in employee retention.


Tolerance is the ability to accept and integrate diversity. A dimension of this is to accept and integrate people whose thoughts and opinions differ from your own. A company’s success depends on the diversity of its customers and the differing personalities of its employees. The ability to interact with people without prejudice, and to challenge and encourage them, ensures productive collaboration and the company's future success.


The prerequisites for self-organised work and empowerment are trust and transparency. With the right level of transparency, barriers that would inhibit motivation, performance or innovation are eliminated. When a company’s leadership reflects on the company’s goals and performance and establishes a knowledge culture, the company becomes more and more successful.


The knowledge a company possesses is an asset. The level of this knowledge determines the efficiency and satisfaction of employees. It is at the heart of all decision-making within the organisation. The manner in which the creation, sharing and application of knowledge is managed determines the ability of employees to act and make decisions.


The purpose of internal communication is to share information that allows employees to perform their jobs well. It keeps them informed and connected. The aim is to provide an effective flow of information within the company. Successful internal communication nurtures company culture and cultivates employee dedication.


Related content:

  • Elements of Enterneering/Culture/Code of Conduct  ❭ ❭ ❭
  • Elements of Enterneering/Culture/Empowerment  ❭ ❭ ❭
  • Elements of Enterneering/Culture/System of Values  ❭ ❭ ❭
  • Elements of Enterneering/Culture/Incentives  ❭ ❭ ❭
  • Elements of Enterneering/Culture/Tolerance  ❭ ❭ ❭
  • Elements of Enterneering/Culture/Transparency  ❭ ❭ ❭
  • Elements of Enterneering/Culture/Knowledge  ❭ ❭ ❭
  • Elements of Enterneering/Culture/Communication  ❭ ❭ ❭