Elements in People Management

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Elements of Enterneering®/People/Elements in People Management

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People management is a term used by companies to refer to various topics and to organise numerous tasks in connection with human resources work. In Enterneering®, the most essential elements of corporate culture are presented in People Management. The explanations, recommendations, and justifications are primarily formulated from the perspective of corporate management. The main aim is to clarify backgrounds and interrelationships and to provide individuals with overall corporate responsibility with an appropriate overview. This is intended to demonstrate points of reference for their own thinking and actions as well as for effective delegation and control.

Elements in people management


Having a meaningful purpose is key to staying focussed on the things that matter the most. It helps in setting priorities and avoiding activities that do not serve the purpose. Employees will be most committed to their work when the company’s purpose is meaningful to them too, and they feel as though they are contributing to the greater good.


A key factor for success is the participation of staff in strategy and business activities, as well as in management and decision-making. It gives employees a sense of belonging in the company, which, in turn, makes them more reliable. They accept greater responsibility for their work and achieve better results.


If a company does not know its stakeholders and understand their needs, it will not be able to actively manage business-relevant areas. Besides employees, this could include anyone with whom a company communicates or associates, such as customers, local community members, government officials, investors, competitors or anyone else who interacts with the company.


An important task of an entrepreneur is to create conditions that ensure that the right people with the appropriate skills are entrusted with tasks in which they can achieve the greatest possible success for the company and themselves. This calls for awareness, intuition and consistency on the part of the entrepreneur.


At first glance, the topic of career seems to be very personal to each employee. However, companies that consciously address career planning and the ongoing development of their employees can better develop talent and put it to use more effectively, helping them avoid demotivation and undesirable employee turnover.


Successful recruitment is the result of professional interaction among all individuals involved in the process. This is an important, sensitive and highly individualised process, so it is essential to have the necessary awareness and properly set priorities. Entrepreneurs must ensure that this interaction runs smoothly.


Corporate alumni can enhance employee loyalty, reduce employee turnover and retain talent by leveraging the power of a network of past and present employees. Past employees may become customers, apart from delivering benefits in the form of new hires, referrals, marketers, lobbyists, investors, suppliers and many others.


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  • Elements of Enterneering/People/Alumni  ❭ ❭ ❭