Entrepreneurs and executives should have read these 5 books

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Smart development of corporate culture and organisation as well as people management need the right knowledge and skills. There are different sources to gain this knowledge and a few exercises to train these skills. In our post, we are showing 5 books entrepreneurs and executives should have read.

Entrepreneurship and leadership are inextricably linked to the nature, development, inspiration, and motivation of people. At its core, it is always about building, developing, and changing organisations and cultures in which people are empowered to achieve their utmost potential. Those who are responsible for the development of organisations or parts of them and want to be successful need to have a fundamental understanding of it and be able to assess and develop their own qualities and skills. The following 5 resources can serve as invaluable tools in this journey:

  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow
  • Start with Why
  • Enterneering® Resilience by Empowerment
  • Atomic Habits

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey

Before individuals with leadership responsibilities can effectively nurture, challenge, and empower others, they must be able to self-reflect. They should be able to consciously develop their personal skills and modify behaviour patterns. These are intricately linked with their individual habits, cultural imprints, and personality traits.

This book stands as one of the most enduring best-sellers in this category over the past 3 decades. It describes the 7 habits of people who, in the author's view, are among the most highly effective people. This book can now be considered a classic that explains how to deal with and overcome personal and professional challenges based on certain principles.

Thinking, Fast and Slow – Daniel Kahneman

Daniel Kahneman's book will help those seeking enhanced insight into the inner workings of the human mind and the intricate origins of our thoughts and actions. Kahneman explains the two systems that govern our thinking. He shows where we can and cannot trust our intuitions, and how we can effectively utilise our thinking. This is a valuable read for all readers who want or need to understand their own thinking and functioning more precisely, as well as that of others, and deal with it more actively.

Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action – Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek's book primarily explores the purpose of our actions. It explains why certain individuals and organisations are more innovative, influential, and profitable than others. It describes how loyalty is created by customers and employees alike. The book aims to show that the world’s most influential leaders think, act, and communicate in the same way - the opposite of what everyone else does. The author calls this approach the “Golden Circle”, which provides a framework for building organisations, leading movements, and inspiring people.

Enterneering®: Resilience by Empowerment – Sandy Pfund

While the previously mentioned books focus strongly on individual habits, thoughts, and actions as well as motivation and leadership, Sandy Pfund describes the most essential elements for the effective development of business organisations, their workforce, and the culture they embody. Based on knowledge of human habits and abilities, Pfund provides pragmatic insights on how entrepreneurs and managers with overall responsibility can make their companies fit for the digital age. Based on decades of his own experience and what is now generally established knowledge in the professional world, the author presents 22 elements and their importance for effective corporate development in the 21st century. He elucidates how leaders at the helm of an organisation lay the groundwork for sustainable growth and successful change.

Atomic Habits – James Clear

Following or alongside Covey's 7 Habits and their principles, James Clear's book is dedicated to changing personal behaviour patterns. It describes approaches, contexts, and consequences of behavioural change. In particular, the book dissects the incremental stages integral to behaviour change, illustrating how small steps, in their interaction and individual impact, can lead to impactful or significant results.

Contrary to the conventional belief that transformative change requires grand endeavours, world-renowned habit expert James Clear presents an alternative perspective. He emphasises that real change comes from the interaction of hundreds of small decisions: doing two push-ups a day, getting up five minutes earlier or making a single short phone call.


The book to go with our app

More about the world's first and only Enterneering® book and its author as well as its different marketplaces on the official homepage. The book is also available on the following direct links on Amazon marketplaces:

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