Get your Guide

Select your use case and explore your development trail.


Decide on your Intention:


INFORMATION: You are generally interested in the topic and want to inform yourself occasionally. You are not pursuing a specific application. For you, the informal and flexible exploration of the contributions is more important than a specific development in skills.  ❯❯❯


​​​ EDUCATION: You are a student and want to expand the content of your studies or you have completed a relevant degree and want to continue your education and expand your knowledge. You want to prepare for your professional career. You are striving for entrepreneurial responsibility. ❯❯❯


COACHING: You are an experienced and suitably qualified manager, coach, or consultant who wants to prepare yourself to accompany entrepreneurs and executives. You want to support others in the effective application of the topic. ❯❯❯


APPLICATION: You are an executive with entrepreneurial responsibility and want to develop both yourself and your company in a targeted manner. You want to expand your knowledge and skills in a structured way to empower yourself and others in effective practical implementation. ❯❯❯