Marketing Materials

Copyright © 02/2024 ❘ The Enterneers®

Logo, lettering

When using logos and lettering, care must be taken to ensure that they are displayed completely and only used in the color variants shown next to them. Any other coloring is only permitted with prior written consent. The image files provided for download must be used. It must be ensured that all logos and lettering are used in an appropriate and directly related context of Enterneering.

Colors: Enterneering-Blue #29547E, Black #000000, White #FFFFFF




Download the logos as zip file here:





Banner, templates

The use of the banners and templates provided is only permitted to authorized experts with a valid license agreement. The templates may only be used in the immediate context of the content, service, and offer presented and advertised. Additions and customizations are only permitted at the named placeholder positions. The use of partial areas, excerpts, or image components as part of self-created graphics or texts is not permitted.

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