Trail: Coach, Counsellor

Copyright © 02/2024 ❘ The Enterneers®

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delegation Your goal on this trail
Service extension in Enterprise Leadership 5.0
Utilisation of knowledge, know-how, and tools. Expanding market access and the network with other experts. Leverage of interaction and publication opportunities. Increasing visibility and reach as a coach or counsellor.


Knowing the Basics

delegation Enterneering® Approach
Understand the systemic approach at the beginning. Recognise the characteristics of a management and leadership discipline. Categorise the relationships and roles more effectively. Understand our focal points and descriptions better.

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 The systemic 360-degree view of
  Culture ❘ People ❘ Organisation

Enterneering® = Enterprise Engineering by supported Self-empowerment


Enterneering® is not a product, a method, and a tool. Enterneering® is a discipline, a field of activity that is specifically dedicated to working 'on' the enterprise system. It therefore reflects one of the core tasks of an entrepreneur or executive with entrepreneurial responsibility.

Enterneering® specifically addresses the three pillars of Culture, People, and Organisation. It concerns itself with aspects that exist more or less for the entire company and have an impact beyond individual areas, products, or projects.

For entrepreneurs or executives, it is not necessary to master all the Enterneering® elements in detail or execute them personally. Rather, successful enterprise leaders recognise the most essential elements and can assess their significance. They can successfully delegate and control the execution of these elements. Gain more about it by exploring the first chapter (For better classification) of the section about the 22 Elements.

Video: Enterneering® – Overview and Summary


Knowing the Assets

delegation Enterneering® Roadmap (Part I)
Get to know the roadmap's core elements. Understand the structure and its scope better. Understand which topics users deal with on their trail and anticipate potential support needs. Put yourself in a position to serve users as effectively as possible.  ❯❯❯

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Self-study course in 4 sequences

All contributions in sequences A to D are available as text posts and as podcasts to listen to. The contributions build on each other like a digital book and are linked to relevant sibling contributions. It is strongly recommended that you follow the sequence to ensure better understanding and effective learning.enterneering-approach

​Sequence A - Awareness

The initial stage focuses on better understanding the structure of the app, gaining an overview of the path outlined, and identifying the personal requirements for success. On this basis, awareness should be created and then a decision made in favour of the roadmap. As Enterneering® is a mindset-oriented process in many areas, the right inner attitude and conviction are essential criteria for success. Effective Enterneering® involves intentional personal development and targeted work 'on' the company. Both aspects signify change and require a certain amount of effort, inner willingness, and perseverance.

​Sequence B - Preparation

The second stage involves some preparatory content related to Enterneering® and the 22 elements. The aim is to understand their significance and categorisation within corporate development and to gain a picture of the context that will serve as the focus of the subsequent stages.

​Sequence C - The 22 elements

The third stage is about reading or working through the 3 chapters (culture, people, organisation) and their 22 elements. This stage is like reading an interactive textbook. The insights, knowledge and inner attunement gained from this are the prerequisites for successful implementation in the subsequent fourth stage.

​Sequence D - Implementation

The fourth stage involves the step-by-step implementation of the Enterneering® approach and the 22 elements, both at a personal level and within the organisational framework of the company. There is a separate process-related phase model for this stage, which is described in terms of content and methodology. The methods and tools helpful for implementation are explained and there are hyperlinks to sample tools for implementation in each individual phase.

Go to Roadmap ❯❯❯


delegation Elements @ Enterneering®
Find out what the 22 elements are all about. Understand the arrangement and classification better. Recognise the relevant correlations for your client support and know how to serve them in their enterprise development.

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The compilation of the 360-degree overview of the three pillars of culture, people, and organisation stems from years of real practical experience in enterprise leadership.

The 22 elements are the key elements that influence the overall system of any enterprise. The explanations of the elements and their active development or change are formulated from the perspective of executives with entrepreneurial responsibility.


The primary goal is to explain the elements, their characteristics, interrelationships, and significance and to provide approaches, actions, and tips for their change or further development.

The 22 elements and their respective characteristics as well as their interaction characterise the knowledge and capabilities of the corporate system, including the people working in it, concerning effective change, growth, innovation, or transformation.

Show Elements in Corporate Culture ❯❯❯

Show Elements in People Management ❯❯❯

Show Elements in Corporate Organisation ❯❯❯


delegation Enterneering® Roadmap (Part II)
Following the first part of the roadmap, find out how implementation is supported within our app. Get to know our RADAR or WORKOUT tools and anticipate ways of supporting them. Learn more about the Enterneering® process and understand how to coach it effectively.  ❯❯❯


Creating relevant Content

delegation Individual Contributions
​Create relevant content in the Field Trips, Methods & Tools, or News & Updates sections. Increase your visibility and reach. Profit from multiplication effects (App-Social Media-Chain). Submit your posts, benefit from our editing, and stick to the publication rules. 


Interacting with others

delegation Comments
​Make your comments and initiate discourse possible in many posts. Respond to users questions. Give valuable tips, advice, and feedback. Share your experiences. Always comment in a respectful and relevant manner. Stick to our code of conduct. 


Acting as authorised expert

delegation Talking and sharing ideas with users
​Give users the opportunity for personal dialogue. Offer the first 30 minutes free of charge. Talk with users to help them gain an overview and reflect on their current situation and needs. Support them in brainstorming, development, and better navigation.


delegation Supporting users in the implementation
​​Offer your accompanying support through practical implementation. Support users in managing complexity, structuring measures, and moderating change or transformation related to Enterneering®. Benefit from our app's content and tools as well as the expert network.


Becoming authorised expert

delegation Becoming an Expert in 4 Steps
Get to know the core elements. Understand the approach and its significance in the 21st century. Study the elements' content and interrelationships. Learn why these elements are so important and how they are influenced. Gain relevant know-how for effective application in real practice. 

Learn more...

Lean registration for qualified experts

If you are interested in joining Enterneering® and getting official authorisation and registration as an expert, please read the following.

This registration is a smart and affordable combination of using all our content for individual further development as well as guidance for commercial projects and becoming a profile as authorised expert within the Enterneering® APP.

This special offer is aimed at all individuals with relevant qualifications and professional experience, particularly those who have recognised further education in systemic business coaching or corporate cultural and organisational development.

Lean = Lean

To offer this service so favourably, candidates need to explore our approach, the app, and its potential for yourself. You will find everything you need in digital format (posts, tutorials, podcasts) in our app, which you can subscribe to for a month. Please make sure that you take out the monthly subscription and not the discounted annual subscription, as registration as an expert is only possible with the monthly subscription.


STEP 1 – Pre-qualification

Effort:   Filling in the online application form
(Personal data, professional experience, upload CV + certificates, VAT ID, URL LinkedIn profile, URL website)
Cost:   Free of charge
Benefit:   Binding confirmation of eligibility for approval as a registered expert
(Minimises process risk and time expenditure)



STEP 2 – Subscription

Effort:   Subscribing the Enterneering APP based on the monthly subscription
(Important note: registration as an expert is only possible with a monthly subscription!)
Cost:   The monthly subscription costs vary depending on the country, currency, and app store; Price level for example in the USA on 1 May 2024 = USD 29.99 per month; Please check the current conditions on Google or Apple store

Flexible monthly term with automatic renewal if not cancelled

Benefit:   ​Free access to all App content
  ​​Individual, flexible self-study
  ​Immediate use of knowledge and know-how for one's own business
  ​​Self-determined analysis and evaluation of whether and how participation in Enterneering is useful and whether the registration process is continued or cancelled prematurely 



STEP 3 – Online test

Effort:   Online test (max 1 hour) with basic comprehension questions on the approach and key application questions (Requires self-study of the app by following its roadmap)
Cost:   Free of charge
Benefit:   Test result as a final registration requirement



STEP 4 – Registration

Effort:   Filling in the online submission form for official registration including confirmation of terms & conditions and the experts' code of conduct 
Cost:   One-off payment of the registration fee of USD 149.00 plus VAT
Benefit:   Official registration as Expert@Enterneering with a 12-month registration term, proven by a profile entry (Expert standard profile) in the Enterneering app and registration logo (image file)
Notes:   Renewal of registration after 12 months is possible without retesting, provided the expert can demonstrate at least 2 realised reference projects related to Enterneering topics from the previous 12 months;
  Registration is only valid in conjunction with a running monthly subscription and expires automatically within 4 weeks of termination of the subscription;





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