TOP Success Factor: Transformational Skills

Copyright © 04/2024 ❘ The Enterneers®

In the digital VUCA age, transformational skills are a major key. They enable corporate organisations to respond reasonably to change, develop competitive solutions, adopt technology effectively, and foster smart collaboration. These skills include not only digital literacy, but also creativity, inspirational motivation, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and other crucial skills. Developing transformational skills is not just a question of further training. The effective development and expansion of these skills require transformational leadership and culture.

Do you know the difference between digital transformation and transformation in the digital age? Many companies, industries, and in some cases, even entire economies, are under enormous pressure to transform. While digital transformation refers to the comprehensive process of change resulting from the availability of ever more powerful digital techniques and technologies, transformation pressure in the digital age refers to the numerous changes occurring in parallel because of different developments. Alongside climate and demographic change, the consequences of the pandemic, and the changed geopolitical and economic security situation, digitalisation is just one of several influential factors, each with considerable potential for change. For companies, this age primarily entails one thing above all: coping with permanent and occasionally disruptive changes in ever-shortening cycles. It means an increase in complexity that surpasses reasonable planning. Consequently, organisations and their employees require transformational skills.

When looking at the actual factors shaping these transformational capabilities, the focus quickly shifts to the resource least imbued with digital characteristics - people, with their talents, inspiration, passion, and motivation, as well as their ability to innovate and change. In the digital age, it is increasingly important to cultivate the right corporate culture and organisational framework, along with providing effective support and empowerment to the employees working in it. The focus of transformation activities is no longer just on business models and products, but on the less tangible and defined elements that make up the essence of a corporate organisation. While agility, SCRUM, change, and the like were the subject of intense debate yesterday, today’s focus is on topics such as cultural change, talent-oriented organisation, and transformational empowerment, that need to be developed.

Once again, it is very likely that no specific method or dedicated tool will lead to a sustainable solution. In principle, as in all the centuries before, it depends on the thinking and actions as well as the skills of individuals with entrepreneurial responsibility to derive and apply the appropriate means, methods, and systems so that their organisation and its employees are optimally empowered. It depends on the much quoted and just as often inadequately practised work 'on' the company. With Enterneering®, a discipline of systemic enterprise development has finally been defined and developed that stands for effective work 'on' the company and focuses very consistently on the three pillars of culture, people, and organisation. With the help of this systemic approach, you can:

  • navigate safely to specific transformation goals,
  • develop and enhance transformational skills with a system,
  • actively shape transformation and evolution through a clear process and consciously achieve specific goals,
  • bring about cultural and structural change step by step using 22 core elements,
  • educate, inspire, train, and effectively empower yourself and the people in the company along a dedicated roadmap, and
  • create resilience in the organisation through empowerment. ​

The knowledge and expertise in this discipline can be acquired both through self-directed learning or with the support of experienced experts (on the job). Regardless of the approach and path chosen, entrepreneurs and managers with entrepreneurial responsibility should take a close look at it, because neither the digital age nor the competition give reason to believe that it is attainable without it.


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