Submission Exam Result E1

Please use the following submission form for your request and read our Privacy Policy and our Terms & Conditions.

To receive your personalised 'Enterneering® Fundamentals (E I)' certificate, please submit your exam result confirmation. Only submissions through this app form will be processed!

You will receive your personalised certificate once verification has been completed. The password-secured PDF certificate is shared via email; the password is shared separately via SMS.

Please insert your email address with which you are registered in the Enterneering® app
Please provide us with your mobile number for SMS verification and password-sharing reasons
Please share your most suitable social media profile for verification reasons (LinkedIn preferred)
Please provide us with a copy of your E1 exam result (Photo only).
Request your Certificate of Participation in Enterneering® Fundamentals (E I) course by submitting your information above.
Please read our Privacy Policy and our Terms & Conditions at the top of the form.