Enterneering® E1 - Examination

Copyright © 10/2024 ❘ The Enterneers®

Welcome to your Enterneering® Self-study Exam E1

Please read the following instructions carefully.

The exam is only open during the specified period. Start the exam within the first 20 minutes after the official start time. If you start later, you will probably not have enough time and the exam will be cancelled without successful completion.

You have a total of 60 minutes. As a guide, you should assume approximately 1 minute per question. Please note that you must answer the questions one after the other. You cannot skip between questions or continue with unanswered questions.

You have received a personal limited access code and answered a verification question when registering for the exam (last 4 digits of your mobile number + year of birth e.g. 123467). You will need both to start with the exam.

After completion of the exam, you will receive a confirmation that the attendee with the mentioned registration ID has completed the exam fully and correctly.

To receive your personalised certificate, please send this proof, your full name, a link to one of your social media profiles, and your mobile number via the submission form in the app. Only submissions via this app form will be processed! You will receive your personalised certificate once verification has been completed. The password-secured PDF certificate is shared via email; the password is shared separately via SMS.

You can take up to 2 tests in total. Please note that it is not the best of the two results that is taken into account, but always the most recent result. You should therefore take sufficient time to revise and study before retaking the test to increase the likelihood of improvement.

Note: You cannot take part in the same examination session twice! The first and repeat exam must take place on two different days. If an error message appears when you call up the exam page in the app again, we recommend refreshing your browser or deleting your browser history (clear cache).


We carry out the exam with the support of the Australian provider classmaker.com. Only your personal access code, IP address, and the entries you make during the exam (including your email address) will be processed and stored at classmaker.com. We do not share any further person-related data with classmaker.com. You can find out more about data processing at classmaker.com on their website Privacy Policy.

By starting the exam, you confirm that you have read and understood the above information and agree to the processing and storage of your exam data.